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Tech Note : TT-4



Determining the REAL IP address for the 605 Player, and Ethernet diagnostics.


The ispmode module in the startnet script used to establish the Ethernet backbone for the 605 has an inherent failure in reporting the true IP address. The 605 has a module called IFSTAT can be used to determine the actual IP address.


The module ispmode simply reads the address parameter supplied when you edit the startnet script. The new address is copied to the le0 module in memory which supposedly maintains the ENTIRE IP address. Actually, the network software uses only the first three octets from the le0 address, then reads the expansion board switches for the last octet. It is then possible for the le0 address to be one value and the actual address to be another. For example:

the ispmode line in startnet might have specified an address of, which is then copied to the le0 module in memory. If the expansion board switches were accidentally set to 110, the REAL address would be192.7.45.110.

Since the startnet script only reports what was supplied to ispmode, a person might think the machine address was correct, when indeed it was not.

The module IFSTAT, located in the 605 ROMS, determines the ACTUAL IP address of the player, by extracting the first three octets from le0, then reading the last octet from the switch settings.

Note: an octet in Internet usage is one component of the address. For example, has FOUR octets, separated by periods.


1. run:   startnet.

2. run:  ifstat -a

The typical screen output of ifstat -a follows. Compare the last octet here (the actual switch setting) with the last octet from the ispmode line in startnet. They should match. Change the switch settings and repeat steps 1 and 2 until they do match.

ifdev(0).if_next = 009f52b0
ifdev(0).if_prev = 009f63d0
ifdev(0).if_mtu = 1500
ifdev(0).if_flags = 0022
ifdev(0).if_subnet =        0
ifdev(0).if_addr = <---------  actual IP address
ifdev(0).if_addr.family_type = 2
ifdev(0).if_addr.port = 0
ifdev(0).if_devnam = le0
ifdev(0).if_dvrnam = am7990
ifdev(1).if_next = 009f63d0
ifdev(1).if_prev = 009f4f60
ifdev(1).if_mtu = -1
ifdev(1).if_flags = 00a0
ifdev(1).if_subnet =        0
ifdev(1).if_addr =
ifdev(1).if_addr.family_type = 2
ifdev(1).if_addr.port = 0
ifdev(1).if_devnam = lo0
ifdev(1).if_dvrnam = ifloop


Most Ethernet machines (really, TCP/IP protocol) allow you to FTP to itself, in a type of loopback test. The 605 supports this method of verifying a working system. This can be especially useful in a network of say, two machines, where you can't tell who is at fault. To perform the self test:

1. Power cycle the 605.

2. Use the Philips startup command shell, by clicking on SETTINGS, then SYSTEM icons.

3. When the $ prompt appears on your terminal (terminal, Mac or PC) screen, type:

		chx /h0/CMDS
		chd /h0

		Wait until the startnet script gives you the $ prompt back.

4. To establish an FTP connection to itself:

	ftp machine_address

		where:  machine_address is the address of your 605 (like
ftp should respond with something similar to:
		connected to
		220 OS-9 ftp server V1.0 ready
		Name ( _

This means you have connected, and are being prompted to login. If you've gotten this far, the basic hardware and software drivers are installed and running properly. If you get a "Connection failed" or similar message, check the machine address, startnet script, assure there is a password file in /h0/SYS, and that you ran "idbgen".

5. Where the cursor is flashing on the line "Name (", login with the name of 'super'.

6. When it responds with "Password (", type 'user'.

7. The system will respond with "Connected to" and a few status messages, then present an "ftp>" prompt. If you get the message "Login failed" you probably typed the name or password incorrectly. Retry the login by typing 'user' at the "ftp>" prompt. It will ask for your name (super) and password (user) again.

8. Use ? to get on-line assistance, or download the FTP.txt document from the OS-9 files section.

If you got this far, the 605 is fine. All the hardware, drivers, and required support files for FTP are in place and working. If the 605 passes its self test, but can't establish a connection with another machine, the problem is MOST likely to exist with the other machine, or with the physical connections between them.

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