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Sample master script for creating MPEG .rtf files

If you have only multiplexed (.mmd/.mpg) files,the following procedure describes how to make Real TIme FIles (.rtf's) of them. Making these MPEG .rtf files is also referred to as "greening" the files. The procedure here is for use on the OptImage Emulator. If you are using a Macintosh or a PC to "green" the files, please see NOTE below. This procedure assumes script2disc has been installed on your /h2 drive.

1.) Copy the multiplexed file(s) and delta file(s) to a directory on the 605 /h0 or the emulator /h2 hard drive, wherever you have the room.

2.) Use a text editor to write an MPEG Real TIme File script for master, following the directions below. This text file must be as ASCII file. Name this file "mpegrtf.msc".

You cannot prepare multiple multiplexed files using one master script. You must write a seperate script for each Real Time File to be created.

Example script:

options: "/h2/DV/homevideo1.rtf"(pathname of the .rtf file you will create)
real_time mpeg in channel 0 from "/h2/DV/homevideo1.mmd"
(pathname of the .mmd/.mpg file to create the .rtf file from>
delta_file "h2/DV/homevideo1.dlt"
(pathname of the delta file. See Ý below)
ep_list off

The quotation marks (") in the above script must be in the actual script(s) you write.

3.) In order to use the script, first chd to the directory where you have saved mpegrtf.msc and then enter the following command line at the EMU: prompt:

master mpegrtf.msc

master will process the file according to the script, and will return you to the EMU prompt when it is finished. Please note that this can take quite a long time, depending on the size of the .mmd/.mpg file being processed.

NOTE:The pathnames in this example are for OS-9. If you are processing these on a Macintosh, forward slashes "/" in the pathnames should be colons ":". For PC's, instead of forward slashes "/" use backslashes "\".

Ý Macintosh and PC versions of master do not require the delta_file line, OS-9 versions do.

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